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About us


Prophetess Geraldine Fisher has been saved for over 30 years, and she orginally began in ministry over 20 years ago as a  Missionary! She received Christ as her personal savior at the age of twenty-one, and at that time she fellowshipped with and became a member of the Opportunity Church of God in Christ under a Great Leader, Elder S. Betts. Her early faith was based upon the Church of God in Christ foundation and is now birthed from the background of a Non-denominational background in Christ, Under the Great Pastor L. J Nabors!  Prophetess fisher has since, begun her own minstry and her mantle/covering now stands directly under God!  She believes the bible to be the inspired and infalliable  word of God! She believes in the trinity which is based upon the belief of : God the father, God the son, and God the holy ghost!


Prophetess Fisher was called to perfect the saints by imparting biblical truths, including deliverance and spiritual warfare, and assisting believers to understand the foundation of activating the gifts of the Spirit in order to raise up strong ministries in the body of Christ.


Birth of a Prophet:


Prophetess Fisher was called by God from birth as a prophet into the Kingdom of God! She knew she was different (due to the rejection and trials God was taking her through in her life) and that God had a call on her life from an early age, but did not understand the call! As a result; God began dealing with her showing her a variety of signs that he was indeed calling her into the Office of a Prophet such as: functioning in the gift of prophecy, a strong desire to equip and to minister to the church. Prophetess Fisher found that  fulfilling specific roles in the church was a hard taskmaster for her due to the fact that she loved praise and worship!! As God begain to deal with her she experienced the "swinging of the pendellum"  Which is how Jeremiah the Prophet felt when he stepped out on God's Word only to be rejected by individuals who choose to reject (Jeremiah) God's Word; however, Jeremiah could not contain the Fire burning within his soul (Jeremiah 20:9-11) and so it was with Prophetess Fisher!  She continued to have that burning desire on the inside to proclaim the word of God; even when people would OR would NOT RECEIVE THE WORD!!


God himself began to birth her into the prophetic realm of God, to teach and to directed her in the prophetic preparation process as a prophetess of God! God continued to revealed to her what the quality of a True prophet entailed such as: humility, humiliation, and love others, to interceed in prayer (for her assigned gate) and to keep "the dung gate" clean in (her own life) order to accurately hear from God herself!  God begin revealing to her that a True prophetess draws the believer back to Christ; NOT wanting or seeking the praise for him or herself, and that the work is about God and not about SELF!!


Prophetess Fisher heard the voice of (audible) God speaking to her calling her into the prophetic ministry; as a prophetess, and she has been on this journey every since. God has called her to intercede and to pray on the behalf of others in the ministry as the voice of God speaks to her in instructing, directing, and dropping a prophetic word for her to give to others in the world! After the call, God promised her he would bringing her to sit and to learn before great men in order to prepare her for the prophetic call of God. All of which he did!


After the prophetic call, and preparation into ministry God begin to drop a word to her about the lives of many family members instructing her to give them a prophetic word from him to solve problems and to enlighten them regarding the plan of God in their lives.  God has instructed her to use the prophetic key to bind and to loose regarding spirtual warefare, and to exhort and to encourage others by decreeing and declaring the blessings of God in ones life, he has also blessed her to use that same prophetic key to confirm the calling/gifting within the ministry of others. He has also blessed her to be able to function in the following: gifted in visions, dreams/interpretations, intecessory prayer, prohetic scribe writing, prophetically singing in tongues/dancing as the spirt gives utterrance, and a variety of other gifts of the spirts which include: the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, and the gift of the discernment of spirts. These gifts are apart of her prophetic mantle in doing the work, assignment of God, and understand the plan of God as she ministers and worship during local services! She is an ordained minister, and In addition to that, she also loves teaching, preaching, and equipping the Saints of God for righeous living!


Inconclusion, God has revealed to her that a true prophet or prophtess of God can NOT stand for God's people to be (because prophets SEE IN BLACK/WHITE you either Saved or you not saved) LUKEWARM in the church!

She understands that a TRUE MAN OR WOMAN OF GOD will speak from the HEART OF GOD in order to REVEAL the plan of God! As a result" A DEAD CHURCH" IS NOT IN Prophetess Fisher's VOCABULARY!!!! Because a TURE PROPHETESS WILL ALLOW GOD TO USE THEM TO BRING LIFE TO THE CHURCH!!!




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